Implement real-time tracking for all truck shipments to minimize the possibility of rejected deliveries. Enable all parties to monitor the progress of goods while in transit.
Our mobile app allows the capture of up to 4 driver and site supervisor digital Signatures.
Use QR codes to confirm pick-up and delivery of products.
Have remote site supervisors visually confirm check-ins and check-outs of all dump trucks and construction vehicle shipments.
Have company drivers and third party carriers, all on one global multi-lingual, multi-currency, & multi-metric platform.
Post shipment truck driving jobs instantly, offering fixed, open bid, or pre-negotiated rates to select and hire drivers that meet your requirements.
Quote jobs based on per load, per hour, per weight, or per volume.
Dispatch your shipment truck drivers to jobs in real time.
How long does it take to load and unload trucks at your site?
Which carriers are moving the most/least shipments to which site?
Enhance shipments efficiency with our mobile app tailored for all types of truck drivers. Drivers will get their tare, gross, and net weights while staying in their vehicles using our Electronic Scale technology.
E-Scale tickets reduce potential risk for on the job injuries, lower insurance costs, and promote safer work environments by having shipments drivers weigh their loads from the safety of their trucks.
Enable dispatchers and customers to monitor truck weighments, in real time, so they can confirm the accuracy of expected pick-ups and deliveries.
Automatically prevent any carrier from working on your jobs without validated insurance and compliance documents.
Quickly generate and reconcile electronic invoices using e-tickets. Reduce billing discrepancies over lost or illegitimate paper tickets from material suppliers.
Prevent disputes over illegible, multi-page, paper bills of landing or hazardous waste manifests using E-BOLs and E-Manifests.
Validate and digitally sign off on material supplier invoices before paying them or deny payments for specific reasons.
Our mobile app eliminates paper checks. Pay material site suppliers and third party carriers on a pre-arranged schedule to help improve cash flow.
Integrate TruckPay with other ERP systems such as SAP, JWS, and NetSuite.
Use TruckPay analytics to identify your shipping operational strengths and weaknesses.
Export shipment data to PDF, Excel, and CSV file formats from the mobile app or webpage.